Modernisation Business Register products 2020 - 2024

KVK is investing heavily in its IT infrastructure so as to be ready for future developments. A higher level of service is the aim of this digital transformation.

At the same time, KVK's Datavisie (Data Vision) takes a critical look at our current Business Register and how we can prepare it for the future together with you. We are working to offer our Business Register data as efficiently and effectively as possible, and seek cooperation with our partners in this. In doing so, privacy and security of the information in the Business Register are our top priority. 

In practical terms, this means that the services you currently use may be replaced, removed, or renewed in the coming years.

These products/services will be modernised in 2024: 

  • KVK Business Register Mutations subscription (to be replaced by KVK Mutations Service)
  • KVK Business Register Selections
  • KVK Corporate History
  • KVK API Zoeken
  • KVK Business Register Extract - Digitally certified
  • KVK Business Register Extract - View online

These products/services were updated in 2023:

  • Business Register Publications (ending on 22 December 2023)
  • Standard financial statements (ending on 1 December 2023)
  • KVK Business Profile (ended on 1 November 2023)

Q2 2024 - New name: KVK Corporate History: Historical Data 1993-2010

We have divided the historical data into 2 time periods. Each can be ordered with its own method. For historical data from the period 23 May 2010 to the present, order online with the product 'KVK Corporate History'. For historical data from 1 October 1993 to 23 May 2010, this can only be requested by telephone via +31 (0)88 585 15 85. You will immediately receive the requested information over the telephone.

A schedule subject to change is shown in the overview above. It does not include products whose planning is not yet known. We update the overview every quarter and if there are interim developments.

About the Datavisie

KVK is working with the Ministry of Economic Affairs (EZ) on a new vision for the use of data from the Business Register. The Datavisie for the Business Register brings a new balance to data use, with the privacy and safety of entrepreneurs, and other Business Register registrants being the top priority. In addition, the Datavisie includes measures for legal certainty and fraud resistance. The results of this process will have a major impact on the policy and implementation task of the KVK's Business Register.