
Form 17: Reporting a dissolution: VOF, CV, maatschap, or rederij

Use Form 17 to notify the Business Register that a vennootschap onder firma (general partnership, hereafter VOF), commanditaire vennootschap (limited partnership, hereafter CV), maatschap (professional partnership), or rederij (shipping company) has been dissolved. This means that the company has stopped all activities.

You also use Form 17 to indicate what happens after the VOF, CV, maatschap, or rederij is dissolved. Does the business stop completey (termination) or does it continue with a new owner (continuation)?

Transfer a business

If a business is being taken over, persons from both companies (the transferor and the transferee) have to fill in forms. Read more about which forms are needed.

Sometimes both must visit a KVK office or sometimes the forms can be sent by post. Avoid a delay to the continuation by submitting the forms to KVK in one package.

Legal advice

KVK cannot register a dissolution until all (managing) partners or members have agreed to the dissolution. To do this, they must all sign section 3 of Form 17.

If this is not possible, contact a legal adviser before filling in this form.

Provide an address

Are you transferring the business of the VOF, CV, maatschap, or rederij? Then you have to fill in an address for the person or company that will take it over. KVK may only enter addresses in the Business Register that are listed in the Key Register of Addresses and Buildings (BAG).

Use the BAG Viewer (in Dutch) to check whether the address of the company or legal entity is correct. Think of street name, house number, extra information (such as 24a or 24b), or designation (such as shop premises).

If something is not correct, you can report the error on the BAG Viewer website. Only send Form 17 to KVK after the Key Register has been updated to show the correct data.

Do you have any questions?

Read more about ending your company per legal structure. If you have questions, visit