
Form 14 Change business/branch details

You can use form 14 to change the details of a business or branch in the Business Register. You also use this form to end or transfer a sole proprietorship or branch.

You can change or transfer the following details:

  • trade name
  • activities, services, and products
  • visiting and postal address
  • website URL
  • telephone number, e-mail address, and message box name
  • number of people working at the business/branch
  • ending or transfer of the sole proprietorship or branch.

You can also report almost all these changes online. This is easier and KVK enters the changes in the Business Register faster. Only the transfer of a sole proprietorship or branch cannot be submitted online. You must use this form.

The dates you fill in on this form may also be in the future. KVK ensures that they can be seen in the Business Register from that moment onwards.

To change the name of a partnership, such as a general partnership or a partnership, use form 15. You also need this form to pass on a change in the articles of association.

Do you want to end a company other than a sole proprietorship? Check to see which form is required. You also use other forms to change or end a legal entity.

Please note: when you fill in this English form digitally, the corresponding field in the Dutch form is filled in automatically. Sign, print, and send the completed Dutch form to KVK.Â