Convenant Royal Dutch Organisation of Bailiffs (KBvG)

Bailiffs may encounter intimidation, violence, or other threatening situations because of their profession. The profession is aware that the domain in which bailiffs operate may lead to tension. After all, the bailiff has the official authority to deprive property or evict someone from their home. But this can never be a licence for violence or threat. In the event of such a foreseeable threat, the bailiff can shield the visiting address of their company or legal entity (with the exception of a bv or nv) in the Business Register. A condition for this is that the professional association of bailiffs has agreed on shielding criteria with KVK. The Koninklijke Beroepsorganisatie van Gerechtsdeurwaarders (KBvG, Royal Association of Bailiffs) and KVK have set out these agreements in a covenant.

When are you eligible?

You must meet at least one of the following conditions:

  • You are registered in the bailiffs' register.
  • You submit a statement drawn up by the KBvG showing that you have been registered in the bailiffs' register in the past. And that, in that capacity, you can still face a probable threat now.

You can request to shield your visiting address with this form (in Dutch). This is appendix B from the covenant.