Convenant Horus Branchevereniging voor wettelijk vertegenwoordigers

Professional legal representatives may face harassment, violence, or other threatening situations because of their profession. The target group (for example, people with psychiatric problems or a criminal record) may pose additional risks. In addition, the professional legal representative is often the bearer of bad news about developments in financial management. This can lead to verbal and physical threats to the legal representative. In the event of such a foreseeable threat, the visiting address of their company or legal entity (with the exception of a bv or a nv) can be shielded in the Business Register. A condition for this is that the professional association of these representatives has agreed upon shielding criteria with KVK. Horus and KVK have set out these agreements in a covenant.

When are you eligible?

  • You are registered as a member of Horus.
  • You prove this with a declaration from Horus.

You can request to shield your visiting address with this form (in Dutch).