Covenant Beroepsvereniging van professionals sociaal werk (BPSW)

Social work professionals may encounter intimidation, violence, or other threatening situations because of their profession. In the event of such a foreseeable threat, social work professionals may hide the visiting address of their company or legal entity (with the exception of a bv or nv) in the Business Register. A condition for this is that the professional association professionals in social work (BPSW, Dutch Association of Social Workers) has agreed criteria with KVK. The BPSW and KVK have set out these agreements in a covenant.

When are you eligible?

  • You are registered as a member of the BPSW. You prove this with a declaration from BPSW;
  • Or you have a declaration from the BPSW which shows that you are part of the profession group because of your work activities and are subject to a probable threat.

You can request to shield your visiting address with this form (in Dutch).