Business Register product tariffs
- Edited 7 January 2025
- 1 min
The Netherlands Chamber of Commerce KVK offers a number of products from the Business Register (Handelsregister). Here you will find an overview of the tariffs of the most common KVK products and services.
How does KVK set tariffs?
KVK does not have a profit motive. We charge a tariff for the products and services we deliver to cover the Business Register's expense. The tariffs only cover part of this expense. The other part is subsidised annually by the Ministry of Economic Affairs.Â
Every year, KVK calculates to what extent the products and services tariffs cover the Business Register's expense. The Minister of Economic Affairs determines a tariff, and this is included in the KVK  (in Dutch) and the Financial Regulation  (in Dutch). The payment terms are recorded in the Financial resolution for the  (in Dutch).
New and altered tariffs and their entry date are officially announced in the (Government Gazette, in Dutch).