Business Register and the government

In KVK’s Business Register, everyone can find up-to-date information about companies and organisations. The Business Register is public and is an important source of information for government organisations. What are the options and how can the government use the Business Register?

The Business Register is one of the 10 key registers in the Netherlands. All type-a administrative authorities (Article 1:1 paragraph 1 of the General Administrative Law Act a: “authority of a legal entity established under public law") must link to the Business Register and use it no later than 2021. Key registers must be reliable and up to date. If you find incorrect data in a key register, please report it by making a so-called Digimelding. Your report will automatically be sent to the correct authority.

Input funding

Type-a administrative authorities that purchase standard information products will not be invoiced by KVK for using the Business Register. Instead, they pay a fixed annual fee to the Ministry of Economic Affairs, known as input funding. Click here to find out which products are covered by input funding (in Dutch) and how authorisation works.

Ordering products from the Business Register

KVK manages the Business Register according to the commercial Register Act. In the register, you can update, link, and analyse your own data. To order products such as address files or filed data, you need a KVK access code. You can easily order products online. For example:

Business products

There are various information products in different formats for all businesses or legal entities. An extract is an official document containing the main details of a record at the time of purchase. KVK also offers other products such as articles of association, history, financial statements, and general terms and conditions.Go to 'order business products' and choose the product you need.

Current files

Anyone can update their own customer or relationship database of Dutch companies and organisations through the Business Register. KVK has address databases specifically selected by industry, region, or legal form. By taking out an update subscription (in Dutch), users can receive weekly or monthly updates. But you can also order a one-off comparison between our records and your own customer or relationship database, including additions from the Business Register. Read more about keeping your customer base up to date

Link to the Business Register

There are different ways to directly receive digital information from the Business Register. For each request, KVK Data Service links the Business Register directly to your computer system via a secure connection. You can also set up a KVK API link with your own network or opt for our (free) Business Register Open Data Sets and Annual Accounts for research purposes. For more information on the KVK Data Service for Authorities, please contact our Sales Department: 088 585 34 34 ( Read more about the connection to the Business Register.