Our statutory tasks

The Netherlands Chamber of Commerce KVK provides information and support to entrepreneurs on the main entrepreneurial topics. Our statutory tasks focus on the registration and provision of information and advice to entrepreneurs.

KVK performs its statutory tasks on the basis of laws and regulations. The business perspective is pivotal to the way in which we have designed our services. We have six statutory tasks.

1. Administering the Business Register

Administering and monitoring the Business Register (Handelsregister in Dutch) to ensure reliable information is our core business. All businesses and legal entities in the Netherlands are registered in the digital database. This enables entrepreneurs to find out with whom exactly they are doing business. In addition, the public authorities and other organisations can request business information from the Business Register, search for business partners or validate any information received.

2. Providing information

What does starting a business involve? How should entrepreneurs draw up an export plan? Entrepreneurs can contact us for expert advice and customised information on the main entrepreneurial topics – from starting your own company to financing, innovating and expanding in the Netherlands and beyond its borders. We distribute information digitally through our website, webinars and apps, and individually through our e-consulting and telephone advisory services. In addition, we regularly organise regional events and meetings.

3. Promoting innovation

Gathering ideas, monitoring trends, innovating: how do entrepreneurs stay alert? KVK advises and supports entrepreneurs in developing and implementing innovations. We organise projects such as Innovation Day, the KVK Innovation Top 100 and the KVK Hackathon to promote innovation in the Netherlands in collaboration with entrepreneurs, the public authorities and knowledge institutions. We also support the public authorities in setting up programmes aimed at enhancing the regional innovation climate.

4. Boosting the regional economy

The Netherlands has a multiplicity of regional and urban economic and innovation boards, valleys and ports. We conduct projects that help cluster and bring together these widespread initiatives to achieve a greater impact. Where possible, we ensure proper embedding, coordination and alignment between the regional and national programmes in an effort to boost the local economy and to help resolve issues in the region.

5. Managing the Ondernemerspleinen

KVK Ondernemersplein is the meeting point for entrepreneurs in the region. This is where they can find all collaborative partners, public authorities, education providers and intermediary services under one roof. Besides attending themed workshops and network meetings, entrepreneurs can also make an appointment here for customised advice. These efforts enable us to further assist entrepreneurs in potentially growing their business. KVK Ondernemerspleinen are located in Amsterdam, Arnhem, Eindhoven, Groningen and Rotterdam.

6. Managing the online information platform Business.gov.nl

From legislation to tax rules, from subsidies to industry information, all the information from government and semi-government bodies that entrepreneurs need to do business can be found on Business.gov.nl. This avoids time-consuming searches for information and gives entrepreneurs more time to concentrate on their business. As the facilitator of Business.gov.nl, we work in association with the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) and the Netherlands Tax Administration.