- Edited 29 January 2025
- 2 min
- Open government act
KVK consists of 12 departments with more than 2,100 employees. Here you can find a summary of the tasks of each department.
This department helps people who are starting a business to carefully consider their choice for entrepreneurship. It recognises them as entrepreneurs and proactively helps them in taking the first steps. It does so by providing the entrepreneur with the right information. And facilitating a quick and easy registration process. It also aims to build long-term relationships with entrepreneurs.
IT is committed to KVK’s ambition to provide modern digital services and to develop new (digital) products. IT helps take KVK into the future with its products, processes, and culture (expertise and job satisfaction).
Entrepreneurs arrange their affairs effortlessly with KVK, and gain new insights so they can focus on their business. The Registers department does this by putting operational and customer excellence at the heart of its business. ‘Effortless’, ‘fast’, ‘getting it right the first time’, and ‘always transparent’ are core value for all teams.
Data Provision
Data Provision (‘Dataverstrekking’) works constantly to optimise processes and services for large companies, government organisations, and academic institutions. This is done by making (legal) compliance and registration easier to check via integrated services. And by adding value with independent and reliable insights. These insights are based on the data the market provides to KVK, combined with those from daily contact with entrepreneurs.
Customer Contact
Customer Contact is responsible for clearly answering practical and substantive questions from customers through various channels. This department supports entrepreneurs at every step towards successful growth and development. The department accesses its own and external information and knowledge in a smart, often digital way. And they fulfil the role of guide in connecting entrepreneurs with the right parties.
Communications (‘Communicatie’) is focused on KVK's communications. This department contributes to KVK's strong reputation. It takes a multidisciplinary approach to work on the core strategic tasks derived from KVK's objectives.
Finance & Control
The Finance & Control (F&C) department ensures robust financial management. F&C supports the fundamental choices of KVK with fact-based analysis and advice.
Facility, Property & Purchasing
Facilities, Property & Purchasing (Facilitair, Huisvesting & Inkoop) ensures that KVK employees have a pleasant and safe workplace, with access to everything they need every day. The department also supports purchasing of products and services.
Strategy & Legal Affairs
The Strategy & Legal Affairs department (‘Strategie & Juridische Zaken’, SJZ) supports the Board of Directors (‘Raad van Bestuur’, RvB) and management with legal and strategic policy. On the one hand, the department focuses on issues that precede or arise from KVK’s legal duties and relevant legislation. On the other hand, the department translates opportunities into new tasks, which fit with current or still to be formulated legal tasks.
Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management deals with all personnel matters at KVK: from payroll to recruiting new employees. Special attention is paid to the skills, knowledge, and motivation of the individual employee.
Audit, Risk Management & Compliance
Every organisation faces risks. KVK wants to be risk-aware and proactively manage risks that could threaten its objectives. For this department, managing risks is therefore an integral part of KVK's day-to-day operations.